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The Year 2 children had an exciting morning of Science experiments to kick start their new Imaginative Learning Project (ILP) called Muck, Mess and Mixtures! The children worked in small groups and took part in a carousel of four messy and mucky Science experiments, designed to help develop their practical skills and increase their curiosity, as they explored what happens when they mixed things together.

The first station was Mixing Colours. The children had to carefully pour coloured water in to test tubes and mix them together, as they tried to predict what colours they might get.

The next station was Fizzy Colours. Here they added drops of coloured vinegar (acid) to a plate of baking soda (alkali). The two chemicals reacted to form a gas that caused the drops to fizz and roll about, much to the children’s delight!

The third station was Rainbow Colour Mixing where the children added drops of food colouring to a large plate of milk. They then carefully added a tiny drop of washing up liquid and watched in amazement as the colours started moving about, as if by magic, across the plate.

The final station was Making Sherbet Powder. Here the children mixed a few simple ingredients together with some baking soda and citric acid powder to make some “zingy” strawberry and orange sherbet which they really enjoyed!

Mrs Sullivan said “The morning was an exciting scientific success, as the children (and staff!) thoroughly enjoyed themselves, mixing and making a mess”.

Tagged  prep