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Support us

The College has a proud history of helping young people achieve amazing things. We do this through our continued and relentless commitment to providing all our pupils with outstanding support during every aspect of their time here. The Foundation was set up to encourage charitable support for the College and provide funds for means-tested bursaries and capital projects.

We rely on the generosity of our supporters to enhance and enrich the lives of pupils at Worksop College and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who makes a donation. The school has benefitted in the past from the generosity of individuals who believe in the future of school and generations of Worksopians to come. 

Previous projects supported by donations to The Foundation include the build of a new boarding house (Mason), the development of the strength and conditioning centre, a new indoor golf analysis suite.

At this present time, it is more important than ever to focus our efforts outwards in extending our current bursary programme, making an education at Worksop College accessible to as many children as possible and as such, all donations received at the present time will be used to build our fund for bursaries. To read more about our 125 bursary fund please click here (to follow).

Should you wish your donation to be used for other purposes, please contact the Alumni Relations Office on or call us on 01909 537100.

You can donate to Worksop College’s Foundation by a number of methods 

Donate by bank transfer 

Worksop College’s bank details are:



Bank account number: 00114505                                           

Sort code: 04-13-76           

Bank identification code: CLRBGB22XXX

IBAN number: GB42CIIV04137600114505

We would be grateful if you could email the Development Office to let us know that you have made a donation via bank transfer. If you wish to donate in person, please drop into Worksop College during school hours and ask for Lucy Smithson at our reception. If you would prefer to arrange an appointment to donate in person, please email

Donate by post 

Please download and print our gift form HERE and return to: 

Lucy Smithson
Development and Alumni Relations Office
Worksop College
Cuthbert’s Avenue
S80 3AP

Donate online 

You can donate directly online by registering at

Donate by phone

If you would prefer to donate by phone, please call us on 01909 537100 and ask to speak with Lucy Smithson in the Alumni Relations Office.

Donate Shares 

Did you know that donating shares is one of the most tax-effective ways to give to charity?

Donating your shares to Worksop College and Ranby House is not only a valuable way to support the work of the school but you can also make substantial savings in both capital gains tax and income tax. The donation of shares is one of the most tax-effective ways to support charities, as share donations receive income tax relief of 100% of their market value.

Donating Shares to Worksop College and Ranby House

Tax relief is available to UK taxpayers who donate shares and securities listed on the UK Stock Market, the Alternative Investment Market, and recognised stock exchanges overseas.

Your shares will be held either in a nominee account (ie proof of ownership is in electronic form) or in share certificate form.

Shares held in a nominee account

If shares are held in a nominee account, there are a few options:

  • You can instruct your broker to sell the shares ‘on our behalf’. In this instance your broker will require from us a signed letter confirming that we accept the gift of shares and that we request the sale of shares on behalf of Worksop College and Ranby House. Your broker will also require our bank details, which are:

Account Name: Worksop College 
Sort Code: 09-02-22
Account Number: 10360990

Share Certificates

Where shares are held in certificate form and depending on how you wish to proceed, the process is as follows:


Handling the gift yourself

Contact your broker or the company’s registrar (their details can be found on your share certificate or dividend vouchers) who will provide a Stock Transfer Form for you to complete, transferring the shares from your name to that of Worksop College and Ranby House, and then return the form to them. It is important that you keep a copy of this form as it is your evidence to the Inland Revenue concerning the details and date of the gift.

The company registrar will then issue a new certificate in the name of Worksop College and Ranby House, which will be sent to us.


Letting Worksop College and Ranby House handle the gift.
Send us your share certificate with a letter of instruction agreeing to the disposal of the shares, and we will send you a Stock Transfer Form, which you will simply be asked to sign and return to us. We can then forward the certificate and completed Transfer Form to your broker or the company’s registrar.

Shares donated to Worksop College and Ranby House will be sold and invested in the Foundation Trust, and we will contact you to thank you and let you know the final value of your gift.

Please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office for more information on gifting shares to Worksop College and Ranby House, on 01909 537100 or

We are enormously grateful for all donations of shares to Worksop College and Ranby House.

Payroll Giving 

Some employers offer a Payroll Giving Scheme, in which case you can ask your payroll department to deduct your charitable donations to Worksop College and Ranby House from your gross pay (before tax is deducted).  As a result, you will automatically receive tax relief on your top rate of tax, with Worksop College and Ranby House receiving the gross value. If you are interested in this scheme please contact your company payroll department to make initial enquiries.

Payroll Giving may also be known as Give As you Earn or Workplace giving.

If you have chosen to donate in this way, please advise the school.

Company-Matched Giving 

Many companies will help support charities through a matched giving scheme, whereby they will match gifts donated by their employees. Some companies have formal schemes for matched funding, while others may consider each request on its own merits. In many cases, participating companies will match an employee’s donation pound for pound up to a set amount. A number of organisations will even double-match. This means that Worksop College and Ranby House may be able to benefit from double or even treble the amount of your donation.

Click here (are we able to amend list to Worksop?) for a list of companies which we understand will match the charitable gifts of their employees. If your company is not listed, please contact your Human Resources department to enquire if such a scheme exists. A number of overseas organisations also operate similar schemes, particularly those in the US.

If you are interested in donating through the matching gift scheme, please contact your Human Resources department for a form which needs to be completed and sent to us. By using this scheme you can make your gift worth even more to Worksop College and Ranby House. If you have chosen to donate in this way, please advise the school

Gifts of Property 

You can donate property to Worksop College and Ranby House, such as land, buildings, or other objects.

Tax relief can be claimed through donations of property when no interest in the property is retained. This can be through:

  • Income tax relief on the value of the donated property.
  • Exemption from capital gains tax on the increase in value of the donated property since first acquired, and reduced capital gains tax when property is sold at less than market value.
  • Exemption from inheritance tax.

The 1895 Club - Leaving a Legacy for the Future 

Legacies are the greatest source of philanthropic income for the charitable sector and likewise for our school. Funds raised through legacies enable us to create outstanding opportunities for pupils with funds being used for means tested bursaries, whilst also helping to maintain our beautiful historic buildings.

We appreciate that, for many, the ability to make donations during their lifetime is limited and, after providing for your family and friends, leaving a gift in your Will is a simple way of making a contribution without compromising current needs. A specific sum is not required, we would simply like to know if you are planning on pledging us a gift.

As we are a registered charity, there are also significant benefits to leaving a gift in your Will as it can help reduce the total tax liability for your family and overall estate. All legacies are free from capital gain and inheritance taxes, which makes them even more valuable for our pupils as no tax will be removed from the total value of your legacy.

Once you have indicated that you would like to make a pledge, we will enrol you in in our legacy club, the 1895 Society. Society members are invited to events throughout the year, including an annual lunch, at which there is an opportunity to meet current pupils who have benefited from fee assisted places, whilst also giving you an opportunity to meet fellow donors.

To make a provision for Worksop College in your Will, please contact Lucy Smithson via email or by calling +44(0)1909 535 765. If you would prefer you can print and fill in a legacy pledge form by clicking HERE.

If you are a UK taxpayer, Worksop College can claim back 25% of your donation through Gift Aid. Please tick the relevant box on your completed form to confirm that you would like us to Gift Aid your donation.

Worksop College is a registered charity, (Charity Number: 1103326 and Registered Office: Worksop College, Cuthbert’s Avenue, Worksop S80 3AP).