Further to our email back in June - here is what you can expect over the next few days...
It's no secret that this 'Results Day' will be very different to what we've been used to.
We're very aware that young people (and parents too!) are probably feeling anxious and facing Thursday 13 August with some trepidation. Whether you choose to come to school to collect your results or not - your Heads of Department are on-hand to help you through the next stages - whatever your chosen path.
Wednesday 12 August
Parents and guardians of students in Yr 13 will receive an email from Head of Sixth Form, Andrew Axelby containing some general advice regarding results day and what to expect. We recommended all parents read this communication, even those for whom Thursday is not their first (or even second or third!) results day, as the process changes year on year, and this year clearly brings other, new challenges.
Thursday 13 August
As I am sure you will understand, we have had to amend our plans for Thursday morning, which are now as follows:
- The main drive, car park and main entrance will be open from 8am
- Only pupils are to come into school; parents/carers will be asked to wait in the car park please and to maintain social distancing
- Pupils are asked to use hand sanitiser before entering, and we politely request that face masks are worn inside the building
- Please go to the Great Hall to pick up your results, where Heads of Departments will be available, should you need to speak to them
- A one way system will be in place and you will exit to the rear of the Great Hall
- Once results have been collected, if you feel you need help with Clearing, please go upstairs in Churchill Hall to the balcony, where Mr Axelby, Mr Jordan and members of the Senior Leadership Team will be available
- Please bring your own fully charged tablet/laptop/mobile phone
- If you do not intend to come in to collect results and need further assistance, please email us with any questions you may have at enquiries@wsnl.co.uk and we will route your email to the appropriate teacher
Good luck Class of 2020! We are incredibly proud of the way you've all adapted in the last six months and can't wait to welome you all back to school as Old Worksopians.