First stop, Ranby House PAC, Retford. Next, the Royal Opera House, London. The whole country needs to see Ranby House’s latest arrr-mazing performance, Pirates Versus Mermaids. This show is jam-packed with piratical puns and mermaid merrymaking, all artfully pulled off by our Year 3 and 4 pupils.
This yo-ho-hilarious story is set at Me Hearty High School on the seven seas. The pirate pupils are itching to graduate, making them proper pirates. They have, however, encountered a slight problem – none of them can swim, meaning they could fail their Arr-levels. There’s only one thing that can help them – their long-term enemies, the mermaids. Can the rivals get along for the sake of the Aar-levels?
The music was catchy and cleverly put together, the real crowd-pleasers being ‘We Don't Like Mermaids’, ‘Avast! Ahoy!’, and ‘A Life at Sea’. The script gave the children the opportunity to release their inner mermaid or pirate, giving all of them the chance to shine. It’s safe to say they all stole the show. The production was shipshape from start to finish.
Through the scattering of wonderfully corny jokes, there were convincing performances, beautiful singing, and a wonderful message of harmony. A huge well done to all of the performers. Cap’n Thorpe and the rest of the crew were very impressed with your hard work!
“Year 3&4's portrayal of the mermaids was uncanny!” - Hannah Peacock for Worksop College News.
“Our audiences loved Pirates Versus Mermaids. There were standing ovations every performance and the music was a huge hit.” Mr Thorpe for Ranby House Times.