Our Chaplain, Father Matthew, has had a painting accepted into The Discerning Eye, a prestigious annual London art exhibition. This will run at the Mall Galleries, London, from 11th-20th November. His work, 'St Lucy the martyr' will be shown alongside the other selected artworks in the exhibition, which have been chosen from over 7000 entries.
The Discerning Eye aims to encourage a wider understanding and appreciation of the visual arts and to stimulate debate about the place and purpose of art in our society, and the contribution each one of us can make to its development.
The exhibition comprises both publicly submitted works and works independently selected by six prominent figures from different areas of the art world: two artists, two collectors and two critics. Each section is hung separately to give each its own distinctive identity. The impression emerges of six small exhibitions within the whole.
It provides an unusual opportunity for works by lesser-known artists to be hung alongside contributions from internationally recognised names. The selectors are solely responsible for their own selection; selection is not by committee.
The exhibition will open at the Mall Galleries, London, from the 11 to 20 November alongside a virtual gallery showcasing all the artists’ shortlisted works with commentary and introductions by the selectors. All exhibiting artists will be included in a fully illustrated print catalogue. Awards will be given out to the winners in a prize giving at the start of the exhibition.
Well done Father Matthew!