Four houses battled it out for the coveted title of 'House Cookery Competition Winner 2019', supported this year by the School of Artisan Food.
The School also kindly offered to donate the stichelton cheese for the competition.
Head of Food and Nutrition, Mrs Christodoulou said:
"This year we were delighted to welcome Katy Fenwick as one of the judges. Katy is a leading lecturer on cheese-making at the School and led a recent hands-on activity when our Y10 GCSE students made their own Reblochet cheese as part of their learning about dairy foods."
Mason, Talbot, Gibbs and School House battled it out in the tense final. Souffles, biscuits and quiche were whisked, rolled and baked to demonstrate technical skill and each culinary creation showcased the qualities of stichelton.
Gibbs House clinched the title with their Stichelton and Walnut Biscuits served with Fig Chutney and Stichelton Crisps - the chefs were Olivia Payne and Sophie Stokes. Katy highlighted their 'simple yet elegant appeal' with 'especially impressive stichelton crisps'.
Book prizes for the winning team were also donated by the School of Artisan Food and will be awarded in the end of term assembly.