Worksop College sees nearly half of its grades awarded at A* and A.
Following another unusual year of online schooling and cancelled exams, students at Worksop College gathered to collect their A-level results. Much like most students in the UK, their results have been calculated by the school’s dedicated teachers, based on a combination of mock exams and coursework. Considering the disruptive effects of the pandemic, Worksop College students have attained some highly impressive results, with nearly half the students achieving grades A* to A. This is no mean feat, considering that Worksop College is a broad-ability, non-selective school. The school has an impressive academic background, seeing the best A-level results across all North Nottinghamshire schools in recent years.
Thomas Williams was delighted as he opened his results, receiving straight A*s across the board, meaning he has been granted a place at Hull York Medical School. It isn’t only Thomas who has secured a place at medical school, his classmate Adam Smith also achieved a full run of A*s and will be joining him in the pursuit of achieving a career in medicine.
Another student who received a clean sweep of A* grades is Lucy Gratton, who will be studying Geography and Business at Loughborough University. Lucy’s Dad says, ‘her results are awesome. We are so pleased to see that her hard work has clearly paid off.’
Two students will be attending The University of Sheffield. Francesca Rouse will be Studying English with her A, A, B results securing a spot, while William Stinchcombe is using his A, A, A to study Biomedical Science.
Megan Davies, whose mother also attended the school, has cause for celebration, as she got the grades to achieve her ambition of attending Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland. Here she will receive business education for global careers in the hospitality & luxury industries. Megan says, “After studying Food and Nutrition at Worksop College, I’m ready to throw myself into the hospitality industry, with so much travel ahead of me.”
Captain of School, Thomas Cooley, was over the moon as he learnt of his A*, A*, A* and A results. This achievement means he can go on to study Mathematics at University of St Andrews. He tells us, “I couldn’t be more happy. This is such a great day, and I am so happy for all my friends too.”
Ffion Price, daughter of Dr Price, was ecstatic as she opened her results, learning that she had achieved A*, A, B and has secured a place at Cardiff University to study Spanish.
After last year’s nationwide downgrade of results, Worksop College was pleased to see that their students were getting the recognition they deserved. Dr Price says:
“We are thrilled to have achieved yet another brilliant set of results, with nearly half our students achieving grades A* and A. The students at Worksop College have never failed to make me proud. Their display of resilience during this disrupted school year, and the excellent results they have achieved regardless, are the qualities of true Worksopians. Their incredible results reflect their hard work, determination, and willingness to achieve. It is no secret that we aim to produce well-rounded, kind individuals, but achieving such fine results is certainly an admirable addition. Whatever their next step in life may be, whether it is attending their chosen university, or pursuing a unique interest, I wish them the very best.”